Client Kudos

Our clients select AMS and, more importantly, stay with AMS, because of our ability to consistently exceed expectations.

Client Kudos. Here’s just a few things our clients are saying.

 “When the Founding Members created the Alliance, we evaluated association management services from several vendors. AMS stood out as a team that was committed to the long run success of our organization. They were flexible and understood that our goals and needs would evolve over time. They didn’t constrain us with a rigid engagement model. Instead, AMS worked with us as a collaborative partner. AMS provides exceptional support and has consistently demonstrated they are dedicated to the SVA’s success.”

– Alon Maor, CEO, Founder, Qwilt & Streaming Video Alliance Founder

“In every interaction I’ve had with an AMS staff person — regardless of role — they’ve gone above and beyond to solve the issue, even when that issue was not AMS’s responsibility to solve.”

– Cullen Jennings, CTO of Collaboration at Cisco

“AMS staff ensures that the key committee functions run smoothly and without any hitches. They keep on top of their many responsibilities with professionalism and grace. Lot of times, I have found that they anticipate our needs and meet them, even before we explicitly ask for them.”

– Suresh Krishnan, Chief Technology Officer at Kaloom

“For more than 15 years now ARO, AMS’s foremost tool in database management has been The Broadband Forum’s sole Membership Management software. As the industry’s leading organization focused on accelerating broadband, the Broadband Forum (BBF) prioritizes our membership support and development; over time, AMS has successfully developed and customized ARO so that this tool has grown and changed with the Forum fulfilling our needs in a timely effective manner.Over the years ARO has been customized to support the recruitment and onboarding process. From the initial contact with a prospective member company through the account set up, membership level provisioning, invoicing, participant database and payment processing, ARO completely fulfills our needs. ARO and the team behind it has helped us execute our strategy, simplify our internal reporting, and grow our membership foundation. The AMS support team is efficient and friendly. They are knowledgeable about our organization and they clearly have a desire to help the Forum succeed.”

– Rhonda Heier, Director of Membership Development, Broadband Forum

“AMS has served the Gaming Standards Association since 2003. A great support team focused on GSA’s goals has been invaluable in guiding GSA and allowing us to focus on standards development rather than administration. AMS has been a key factor in our achieving success.”

– Adrian Marcu, Vice President, Global Technical Architecture, IGT

“We have been working with AMS for many years now and we continue to be impressed by their professionalism and high ethical standards. Our Executive Director is well respected by our leadership and we rely on her expertise for strategic guidance, policy development and financial management. AMS has been a great resource and has been flexible, adjusting to our needs, guiding us through our start up and continuing to manage OIF for 15+ years. AMS has been a true partner.”

– Vishnu Shukla, Principal Technologist, Verizon

“AMS staff were extremely professional, helpful, and responsive. They were able to deal with last-minute requests promptly. There have been a number of conferences in our community that have been organized virtually in the past few months – SIGCOMM stands out in the positive experience the attendees have had. AMS is in large part responsible for that.”

– Henning Schulzrinne and Vishal Misra,  ACM SIGCOMM 2020 General Chairs

“We partnered with AMS Event Partners for the annual Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium. The Symposium is a rapidly growing security research event with a diverse set of global attendees from government, academia, and industry. AMS Event Partners excelled in providing efficient and effective planning and management services for this event. They identified and solved issues before they became serious problems, managed positive relationships with all the parties required to host the event, and addressed all the questions and problems of a diverse set of attendees and speakers. We are very pleased with the professional level of service provided. As an extra bonus, they are a pleasure to work with while they executed this key event for the Internet Society.”

– Karen O’Donoghue, Internet Society

“When MulteFire Alliance made the decision to hold our first ever Members Meeting online, we had confidence that AMS would produce a virtual meeting with the same high level of attention to detail as they do for MulteFire’s in-person meetings.  While online meeting environments can be challenging, thanks to the AMS team, every element of our virtual meeting, from the pre-meeting logistics planning to the final meeting execution was well organized, glitch-free and seamlessly orchestrated.”

– Mazen Chmaytelli, President, MulteFire Alliance

“The AMS team has always had a very collaborative relationship with the IETF but this unprecedented situation really showcased why they are a leader in what they do.”

– Jay Daley, Executive Director at the IETF

“AMS’s support, detailed management and leadership during the formation of our forum was exceptional.”

– David Price, Former Vice President, Ericsson

“I know with AMS in charge of our events, I don’t have to worry about or even think about the logistics involved in a successful meeting, such as room location, hotel room logistics for our personnel, and probably a dozen things that I am not thinking of because they go so smoothly. From the meeting essentials to simple creature comforts, we know AMS has it handled.”

– Bill Fenner, 25-year IETF participant

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